1. Tegan will be sat on this sofa, about to ring Ella.
This is a suitable setting for this particular scene as we will stop the public walking into our set whilst filming. We will add a couple of blankets over the sofa to create a homely effect.
2. Ella smoking outside on a buildings corner, phone rings.
There will be little distraction in this shot as the background is based on a wall although there are windows just above but these will not be visible when filming. We will not need to add any large props in this scene to create any effect.
3. Tegan walking to meeting point
Tegan will be recorded walking from one side of the frame to the other. This scene may be hard to record as it is the college's entrance/exit so will have students passing by any time. We will try shooting here but may have to change if we get unwanted sounds in the background.
4. Ella walking towards meeting point
(in opposite direction)
We will also record Ella walking from one side of the frame to the other. This shot should be no problem as of the fence is in the background is a barrier of distraction.
5. Meeting point
The grotty looking corner of a building seemed suitable for the theme of the shot, to make their environment look run down. This is a simple shot just to show the girls meeting to end the cross cutting of Ella and Tegan walking to meet.
6. Sitting down for 'the chat' inside
Chose to shoot in the far corner of the common room to avoid distractions as it is one of the busiest rooms in college, but are planning to film during last lesson as we know it will be a quiet time to shoot in it.